Aplikasi admin SDM PayMaster 2011
Jakarta - Andal Software memperbaharui kemampuan aplikasi PayMaster menjadi lebih 'pintar'. Tak cuma bisa jadi andalan dalam mengelola gaji, namun juga membantu dalam tugas departemen SDM.
PayMaster 2011 -- demikian nama produk ini -- dijabarkan sebagai aplikasi admin SDM, payroll, PPh 21 dan mesin kehadiran yang terintegerasi.
Dengan hanya satu tampilan layar pada komponen gaji, user diklaim dapat mendefinisikan hampir semua komponen gaji yang ada di perusahaan.
Seperti uang makan yang terbit setiap kali karyawan hadir, kompensasi kehadiran yang dikaitkan dengan keterlambatan. Di mana bila karyawan datang telat maka kompensasinya akan dipotong, Atau insentif kehadiran, di mana bila karyawan selalu hadir dalam satu periode tertentu maka akan menerima uang insentif.
"Kita juga coba membuat user interface-nya menjadi lebih mudah. Kalau dilihat, tools-nya mirip Office 2007," ujar Indra Sosrodjojo, Direktur Andal Software dalam jumpa pers di Restoran Harum Manis, Jakarta, Rabu (24/11/2010).
Fitur lain dari PayMaster 2011 adalah dilengkapi export data untuk transfer bank, e-SPT, serta fasilitas Pivot Table untuk menganalisa data gaji dan karyawan.
Dalam hal keamanan, data gaji di aplikasi ini dienkripsi sehingga tidak semua orang dapat melihat data gaji dan pembatasan akses ke menu maupun data.
Indra mengatakan jika PayMaster 2011 ditargetkan dapat menyasar perusahaan UKM. Dimana jumlah karyawannya minimal 300 orang.
"Adapun harganya mulai dari Rp 75 juta hingga Rp 300 jutaan," tukasnya.
Indra mengakui jika harga yang ditawarkan memang lebih premium ketimbang produk pesaing. Sebab, ia mengklaim harga itu setimpal dengan 'kepintaran' yang dihadirkan dari PayMaster 2011.
"Produk ini juga ditawarkan melalui layanan cloud computing dengan sistem sewa. Tarifnya Rp 2-2,5 jutaan per bulan," pungkasnya.
HR admin application PayMaster 2011Jakarta - Reliable Software update capability PayMaster applications become more 'intelligent'. Not only can a mainstay in managing the salary, but also assist in the task of the HR department.PayMaster 2011 - thus the name of this product - described as an application admin human resources, payroll, PPh 21 and the presence of an integrated machine.With only one display screen on the salary component, a user claimed to be able to define nearly all components on the company payroll.As rising food allowance each time employee is present, the presence of compensation associated with the delay. Where if the employee comes late then compensation would be cut, or the presence of incentives, where if the employees are always present in a certain period it will receive cash incentives."We also try to make user interfaces easier. When viewed, its tools, like Office 2007," said Indra Sosrodjojo, Director of Reliable Software in a press conference at Harum Manis Restaurant, Jakarta, Wednesday (24/11/2010).Another feature of PayMaster 2011 is equipped export data to bank transfers, e-SPT, and facilities for Pivot Table to analyze data and employee salaries.In terms of security, salary data in this application is encrypted so that not everyone can see the salary data and restricting access to the menu, and data.Indra said that if PayMaster 2011 target to target SMEs. Where the number of employees at least 300 people."As for prices ranging from Rp 75 million to Rp 300 million," he said.Indra admitted if the price offered is more premium than competitors' products. Because, he claimed the price was worth the 'brains' that were presented from PayMaster 2011."This product is also offered through cloud computing service with a rental system. Transit is USD 2 to 2.5 million per month," he concluded.
PayMaster 2011 -- demikian nama produk ini -- dijabarkan sebagai aplikasi admin SDM, payroll, PPh 21 dan mesin kehadiran yang terintegerasi.
Dengan hanya satu tampilan layar pada komponen gaji, user diklaim dapat mendefinisikan hampir semua komponen gaji yang ada di perusahaan.
Seperti uang makan yang terbit setiap kali karyawan hadir, kompensasi kehadiran yang dikaitkan dengan keterlambatan. Di mana bila karyawan datang telat maka kompensasinya akan dipotong, Atau insentif kehadiran, di mana bila karyawan selalu hadir dalam satu periode tertentu maka akan menerima uang insentif.
"Kita juga coba membuat user interface-nya menjadi lebih mudah. Kalau dilihat, tools-nya mirip Office 2007," ujar Indra Sosrodjojo, Direktur Andal Software dalam jumpa pers di Restoran Harum Manis, Jakarta, Rabu (24/11/2010).
Fitur lain dari PayMaster 2011 adalah dilengkapi export data untuk transfer bank, e-SPT, serta fasilitas Pivot Table untuk menganalisa data gaji dan karyawan.
Dalam hal keamanan, data gaji di aplikasi ini dienkripsi sehingga tidak semua orang dapat melihat data gaji dan pembatasan akses ke menu maupun data.
Indra mengatakan jika PayMaster 2011 ditargetkan dapat menyasar perusahaan UKM. Dimana jumlah karyawannya minimal 300 orang.
"Adapun harganya mulai dari Rp 75 juta hingga Rp 300 jutaan," tukasnya.
Indra mengakui jika harga yang ditawarkan memang lebih premium ketimbang produk pesaing. Sebab, ia mengklaim harga itu setimpal dengan 'kepintaran' yang dihadirkan dari PayMaster 2011.
"Produk ini juga ditawarkan melalui layanan cloud computing dengan sistem sewa. Tarifnya Rp 2-2,5 jutaan per bulan," pungkasnya.
HR admin application PayMaster 2011Jakarta - Reliable Software update capability PayMaster applications become more 'intelligent'. Not only can a mainstay in managing the salary, but also assist in the task of the HR department.PayMaster 2011 - thus the name of this product - described as an application admin human resources, payroll, PPh 21 and the presence of an integrated machine.With only one display screen on the salary component, a user claimed to be able to define nearly all components on the company payroll.As rising food allowance each time employee is present, the presence of compensation associated with the delay. Where if the employee comes late then compensation would be cut, or the presence of incentives, where if the employees are always present in a certain period it will receive cash incentives."We also try to make user interfaces easier. When viewed, its tools, like Office 2007," said Indra Sosrodjojo, Director of Reliable Software in a press conference at Harum Manis Restaurant, Jakarta, Wednesday (24/11/2010).Another feature of PayMaster 2011 is equipped export data to bank transfers, e-SPT, and facilities for Pivot Table to analyze data and employee salaries.In terms of security, salary data in this application is encrypted so that not everyone can see the salary data and restricting access to the menu, and data.Indra said that if PayMaster 2011 target to target SMEs. Where the number of employees at least 300 people."As for prices ranging from Rp 75 million to Rp 300 million," he said.Indra admitted if the price offered is more premium than competitors' products. Because, he claimed the price was worth the 'brains' that were presented from PayMaster 2011."This product is also offered through cloud computing service with a rental system. Transit is USD 2 to 2.5 million per month," he concluded.
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